Application definition#

An application definition describes the models to dump and possible dump options. The simpliest definition form is:

["django.contrib.sites", {"models": "sites"}]

Or a full example:

            "comments": "Authentication and Authorization",
            "natural_foreign": true,
            "natural_primary": true,
            "allow_drain": true,
            "is_drain": false,
            "dump_command": "mydumper",
            "filename": "my_dump.json",
            "models": [
            "excludes": [

Note than in this example, the excludes item is useless since models have been explicitely defined for the right models to get.

Commonly you will dedicate an application definition to a single application but you can also gather multiple applications models or split application models into multiple applications.


As seen from previous example, an application definition is a list of two items: firstly the application name then a dictionnary of parameters. The name is mostly used to retrieve the application from registry and to build the default dump filename.

Parameters are:


Optional, <string>, Default: empty

Free comment text, mostly used to give possible hints about the definition. It is not used to dump or load data.


Optional, <boolean>, Default: false

Enable usage of natural keys, not all model support natural keys but you should always try to enable it if possible since non natural foreign key may cause issue when loaded.


Optional, <boolean>, Default: false

Omits the primary key in the serialized data of objects since it can be calculated during deserialization.


Optional, <boolean>, Default: false

If enabled, this application allows its excluded models to be drained. Else the excluded models are always forbidden to be dumped by drainage.


Optional, <boolean>, Default: false

If enabled, the application is assumed to be a Drain definition. A drain ignores usage of options models and allow_drain.


Optional, <string>, Default: empty

A Django command name to use instead of dumpdata. Diskette include a special command named polymorphic_dumpdata that is dumpdata alike that is able to properly dump models made with django-polymorphic.


Optional, <string>, Default: empty

A custom filename for the application dump. If not given it will be automatically built from the slugified application name.


Optional, <list>, Default: empty

A list of labels to include in a dump. Labels can be either an application label (like sites) or a fully qualified model label (like sites.Site).

If you only have one label to define, you can give it as a simple string instead of a list.


Optional, <list>, Default: empty

A list of labels to exclude from dump. Labels can be either an application label (like sites) or a fully qualified model label (like sites.Site).

If you only have one label to define, you can give it as a simple string instead of a list.

Definition order#

Diskette does not resolve definition order for you, it is your responsibility to ensure they are defined in the right order.

Because Diskette stands on Django serializer through usage of dumpdata and loaddata, models must be serialized in the right order. It means if a model B has relation on model A, the model B must be defined after the model A definition.

Commonly, dumping data won’t fail with wrong order but loadding data will always fail because serializer will expect some related objects that don’t exist yet.

Drain definition#

This is a special application definition which allows to drain excluded models from all other apps.

It can be used in some situations where it will acts like a bucket to collect forbidden models from definitions.

Diskette compute the implicit and explicit exclusions from all applications and drain use them to know excluded application models that it can collect.

Because some application definition may be defined to exclude some models well known to be avoided, a drain only collect exclusions from applications that allow it with their option allow_drain. Undefined application are fully collected.


Usage of drain is a risk to collect too many useless data or to break dump loading because of invalid data, so use it with caution.

Commonly it is better to stand on application definitions.