

This document is a draft from some development notes. They may not be well written or contain some errors.

Storage deployment#

Currently the storage directories are archived with relative path deducted from their path minus the storages_basepath value (optionnally given to manager or default to CWD path).

This implies that all storages are children path of storages_basepath, else it is an error. This is because we use storages_basepath to make relative path of a storage path, since we do not allow for absolute directories (to avoid catastrophic issue and prevent some malicious attacks).

About required freespace size#

Short version: you commonly need twice size of your content (data and storages).

Diskette create or use tarball with a “two slots” way, this is quicker and use less memory but in returns it needs a filesystem which have at least twice size of the tarball.

If you got a lot of data, you may need 2.5 size or more of the tarball, since in archive the data are compressed but once extracted they recover their uncompressed size until they are removed when imported in database.

Storage files are commonly binary files (image, video, pdf, etc..) so their size won’t really change once extracted.

About data integrity#

Did tried to test Diskette dump and load on some large project and finished on failure because the production db contains permissions that don’t exists anymore. Since Django permissions are not really loadable, we can’t restore the previous migration which include the remove ones. But a single user has all permissions assigned included the unexisting one, so loaddata fail on this user because it relies on data that do not exists anymore.

Contenttype and permissions fix#

A Django builtin command helps to purge stale content type and related object for when applications have been removed but still related in some object relying on permissions or directly content type:

django-admin remove_stale_contenttypes --include-stale-apps

For example, if application Blog has been installed in project version 0.1.0. Then Blog permissions have been assigned to an admin user. Now on project version 1.0.0, Blog is removed. If you dump the user data, Django won’t be able to load it because an user has relation to unexisting Blog permissions.


Permission objects are created automatically from Django migrations, we can’t dump and load them.

This is because when the data are dumped the permissions still exists but when dump are loaded the database is rebooted so Blog permissions won’t exists anymore. Finally the loading will fail because there are relations to unexisting permissions.

For this specific case (objects related to missing Contenttype or Permission), the described command should fix problems.

DjangoCMS plugins#

All CMS plugins must be configured to be dumped after DjangoCMS dump. These plugins may work even they are enabled before CMS but the Django serializer will fail to load them.